Criminal Record Checks and Different Requirements
In this session, we will cover fair chance hiring and the benefits of hiring someone with a criminal record. We will cover the different types of record checks you might use, as well as how to read them, and also discuss some of the common concerns and legal frameworks that might impact your ability to hire someone with a criminal record. Finally, we will dive into the work of Canada’s first Fair Chances Coalition and take a look at how you can build fair change hiring into your organization.
Panelist Bio
Aileen Simon | Education & Strategic Initiatives Coordinator | John Howard Society of Ontario
Aileen is the Education & Strategic Initiatives Coordinator at the John Howard Society of Ontario. She works to translate the Centre’s research and policy work into engaging and interactive educational materials, tools and content. Since joining JHSO, she has built an innovative civil legal training program aimed at frontline staff who serve justice-involved clients at social services agencies in Ontario. She has also played an active role in the Centre’s employment portfolio, working with various stakeholders on unlocking opportunities for job seekers with criminal records. Aileen has been the lead on creating, designing and publishing educational tools and content for employers, HR managers, and frontline staff on justice-involved job seekers, gaining insights into the practical challenges and barriers to hiring and tackling the myths and misconceptions of fair chance hiring.
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