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Event Brite Banners Let's Talk (37)

Join us for a discussion about building business through cultural awareness.

Immigration accounts for nearly 100% of Canada’s labour force growth. Is your business prepared to successfully welcome newcomer talent? It might be easier then you think. Minor changes can help to make your business more welcoming to diverse populations. Through this session, YMCA of Niagara Employment and Immigrant services will share valuable insights on what you can do to attract and retain top newcomer talent and how it can help your business thrive. Workforce Collective will be joining to share insight on the immigrant labour force in Niagara and initiatives to support local employers.

Webinar Presented by:

To learn more about the YMCA of Niagara Employment and Immigrant services visit: https://ymcaofniagara.org/programs/employment-services/

To learn more about Workforce Collective visit: https://workforcecollective.ca/




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