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Critical IT Security Protections EVERY Business Must Have in Place NOW.

On October 12th, Bryan Lachapelle, CEO of B4 Networks, and Jeff Reuter, Insurance Broker for Erion Insurance Group are going to hold an executive seminar that I’m certain all Niagara Businesses will want to attend.

During this session, they are going to share some alarming news about cybersecurity threats you must protect your company from.

We can practically guarantee you’re NOT aware of these new threats and therefore are a “sitting duck” for a security breach, and the headaches that can come with them such as fines, loss of clients, reputation damage, financial cost of recovery and remediation, and more.

Good news is that there are some SIMPLE protections and precautions you can put in place to drastically reduce your chances of being a victim – which is what we’re going to show you at this event.

It’s not a matter of “IF” it happens, it’s a matter of “WHEN”. Make sure you have taken the proper precautions.

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