After reviewing the revised Ontario regulation 364/20 that will be in place to prevent COVID-19 come March 1, 2022, Dr. Mustafa Hirji, Medical Officer of Health & Commissioner (Acting) has determined that the local section 22 orders and letter of instructions in place for food premises, retail premises, as well as indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities are no longer likely to have significant effect with the removal of complementary provincial measures. Therefore, the determination has been made to rescind the orders and letter of instructions in these premises effective 12:01 a.m. on March 1, 2022.
As of March 1, there will be no additional local requirements for food premises, retail premises, or indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities in Niagara beyond the provincial regulations.
Niagara Region Public Health would like to thank everyone for their efforts and cooperation in implementing and following theses measures. The ongoing diligence over the past two years has truly prevented infections and protected the health of many against COVID-19.
While the local instructions and most provincial measures are being lifted, we do caution that the COVID-19 virus remains in high circulation in Niagara and will continue to pose a risk in our community. Ongoing diligence with the remaining provincial measures is recommended.
“As we enter a new phase of the pandemic on March 1 with far fewer measures in place by government to protect us and those we love, the responsibility for staying safe is shifting to each of us and our personal actions,” said Dr. Mustafa Hirji, Medical Officer of Health & Commissioner (Acting). “Masking and vaccination, including booster doses, are now more critical than ever to prevent COVID-19. If you have not yet gotten all your COVID-19 vaccinations, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible.”
Going forward, let’s be kind and understanding when interacting with those who may have differing levels of concern about their ongoing risk from the pandemic. While some may feel the risks of COVID-19 are acceptable to them, many in our community may still be at greater risk, or have loved ones who are vulnerable, and wish to continue practicing greater precaution. By understanding and respecting those differences, we stand a much better chance of successfully navigating this next phase of the pandemic and coming together as a community.
As always, our team continues to be available for information and to answer questions. Please connect with us by visiting or calling the COVID-19 Info-Line Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. at 905-688-8248, press 7 or toll-free at 1-888-505-6074
Media Inquiries
Courtney Westerhof Niagara Region Public Health 905-688-8248 ext. 7303