Welland – The City of Welland is announcing that it is extending the closure of all public facilities, and the cancellation of events and programming until June 30, 2020.
The decision was made by the City’s Corporate Leadership Team and Emergency Control Group, based on the need to protect City staff and residents; to help contain the spread of COVID-19; and to provide some certainty for user groups and key community stakeholders.
With the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and community spread in Niagara and Ontario on the rise, public health officials are indicating that it is more important than ever to continue to practice physical distancing, including self-monitoring and self-isolation. All indications from the experts are that these measures will be in place for months, not weeks.
The City’s business continuity assumptions are that normal business operations will not return until July 6. In the meantime, all City departments and divisions are operational, and staff are continuing to provide essential services. The City’s senior staff meet daily to review information, make decisions, and are committed to maintaining an open line of communication to staff, residents, and community partners as this situation progresses. Should the current information from public health experts change in the coming weeks, the June 30 date can and will be re-evaluated.
“This is an unprecedented time which requires an unprecedented response,” said Welland CAO Gary Long. “The diligence and dedication of City staff to deliver public programs and services to our community, both now and when this crisis has passed, remains unchanged.”
The City’s website www.welland.ca is updated daily regarding the City’s COVID-19 response, important information from Niagara Public Health, as well as municipal, provincial, and federal program information to assist residents and businesses.
For more information, contact:
Gary Long, CAO
905-735-1700 Ext. 2120